Flourishing Beauty bouquet (Roses + Carnations) • Flowers-Pattaya

Flourishing Beauty bouquet

Original price was: ฿3,260.Current price is: ฿3,040.

Flourishing Beauty bouquet of 7 premium roses and 8 fresh carnations from Flowers-Pattaya. This delicate pink bouquet is a perfect gift for a young girl. The delicate color of the bouquet indicates care for a person, love and devotion to her. This gift, decorated with bright limonium sprigs for splendor, you can give not only to your beloved girlfriend, but to family or friends. The flowers are packed in trendy craft paper and tied with a pink ribbon.

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The color pink has long been considered the color of youth, freshness, joyful beginning and hope for the best. Our mixed bouquet is the perfect gift for starting a relationship. It can be given even for the second, third date, as well as for a month of acquaintance. This bouquet is evidence of tender feelings, that have arisen for a person. But if your wife or girlfriend loves pink flowers, then such a gift can be given to her for her birthday. The Flourishing Beauty bouquet is also 100% suitable for the birthday of your sister, niece or friend. After all, it will show, that they are pretty, like these delicate flowers.

Our bouquet consists of 8 hot pink carnations and 7 soft pink roses. The limonium branches give the gift a splendor and contrast beautifully with the pink flowers. To emphasize the youthfulness of the recipient, we will wrap the flowers in light-colored packaging and tie them with pink ribbon. A greeting card with a nice message to the recipient will be added to the bouquet for free, if you wish. Same day flower delivery in Pattaya is possible, when placing an order and paying for it until 2 pm.


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