18 Red Roses (Valentine’s day)
Amazing bouquet of 18 premium red roses from Flowers-Pattaya. The number 9 in Thailand is the happiest, so the meaning of a bouquet of 18 red roses is double happiness or happiness for both. To create this magical Valentine’s Day bouquet, we use only imported roses with large buds and long stems. The price includes roses and green filler, a beautiful gift wrap with a bright ribbon and a greeting card with your message. Free delivery of a bouquet of 18 red roses in Pattaya from February 11 to February 14 (please indicate the correct delivery date in the calendar).
Indulge in the language of love this Valentine’s Day with Flowers-Pattaya’s exquisite bouquet featuring 18 large imported roses. This enchanting arrangement goes beyond the conventional bouquet, embodying the depth of emotion and passion that defines true love. Each rose, carefully selected and imported, serves as a symbol of the enduring and profound connection shared between two hearts. The rich hues and velvety textures of these blooms harmonize to create a visual symphony that speaks volumes about the intensity of your feelings.
Flowers-Pattaya takes pride in the professionalism of its florists, ensuring that every arrangement is crafted with precision and care. The meticulous attention to detail is evident in each petal, creating a masterpiece that reflects the florists’ dedication to their craft. The flower shop in Pattaya has curated a team of skilled artisans who understand the significance of special occasions, particularly Valentine’s Day. Our expertise shines through in the thoughtfully arranged bouquet, showcasing the artistry that goes into capturing the essence of romance and affection.
Worry not about the logistics, as Flowers-Pattaya offers free delivery in Pattaya for this breathtaking bouquet. From February 11 to 14, revel in the convenience of having this symbol of love delivered directly to your doorstep, allowing you to focus on creating cherished moments with your special someone. The flower shop in Pattaya goes the extra mile to ensure a seamless and timely delivery, making it effortlessly convenient to turn this Valentine’s Day into an unforgettable celebration. Let the beauty of the bouquet and the expertise of Flowers-Pattaya’s florists transform your romantic gesture into a captivating experience that will be etched in your hearts forever.
George (verified owner) –
Flowers are amazingly beautiful and fresh and missus was delighted and so am I. Thumbs up to Leo for the last min change of location and prompt replies. I highly recommend them!
Florist –
Many thanks for your review, Khun George!