Beautiful Girl bouquet
Beautiful Girl bouquet of 15 mix roses from Flowers-Pattaya. This delicate white and cream bouquet with bright colors of red roses is a great gift for your girlfriend. It means the purity of your intentions in relation to your beloved, tenderness and passionate feelings for her. Our florists use only premium roses with large buds and extra green or white filler (white gypsophila or other flowers) to create a flower gift. The bouquet is decorated with craft paper and tied with a bright ribbon.
🌸 Free flower delivery in Pattaya
🌸 Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Lowest price in Pattaya
You can give the Beautiful Girl bouquet both to the girl, whom you met recently, and to your friend / wife, with whom you have been together for a long time. White roses in the bouquet speak of your loyalty to your beloved, tender attitude towards her. Cream-colored flowers are a symbol of admiration for a person, respect for her. Red roses highlight the strength of your love for your girlfriend or wife. They testify to the desire to possess her and be near. Thus, the main meaning of the Beautiful Girl bouquet is your deep and strong feelings for your beloved.
The bouquet consists of three types of rose – white, red and cream. The flowers are beautiful and fresh. For the splendor of the bouquet, we added a gentle gypsophila to it. Our professional florists will decoarte the flowers in trendy gift wrapper and a red ribbon. At your request, we can add a greeting card with any message to the recipient free of charge to the gift. Same day flower delivery in Pattaya is possible, when placing an order and paying for it until 2 pm.
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