Happy Day bouquet
฿2,280 Original price was: ฿2,280.฿2,170Current price is: ฿2,170.
Happy Day bouquet of 9 Yellow Roses from Flowers-Pattaya. Bright, sunny flowers will always cheer up the person, to whom you present them. Yellow roses are a symbol of friendship, success, prosperity. A bouquet of yellow roses can be presented to friends, relatives, and work colleagues. Florists of our shop will make you a bouquet of 9 premium flowers with large buds and long steems. They will add seasonal green filler to roses for splendor. This bouquet is wrapped in craft paper and decorated with a bright ribbon and this will look luxurious.
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🌸 Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Lowest price in Pattaya
In Asian countries, yellow means wealth, good luck in business, because it resembles the precious metal (gold). Often, bouquets of 9 yellow roses are presented to colleagues at work or bosses with wishes of success or in connection with the completion of a successful deal. You can also give yellow flowers to relatives, if positive events have occurred in their lives: graduation from school or university, new, interesting job, moving to a cozy apartment, etc. A bouquet of yellow roses is often presented to friends for their birthday. Yellow means cheerfulness, health, so you can give it to a person, who is admitted to the hospital. This will mean, that you want him to get well soon. Usually girls are presented with roses of other colors. But you can give a bouquet of 9 yellow roses to your wife or beloved, if you quarreled with her, in order to reconcile.
Flowers-Pattaya uses premium flowers with large buds and long stems to create a beautiful bouquet of 9 yellow roses. We edd gypsophila or seasonal green filler to roses for volume. The flowers wrapped in a gift wrapper with a bright ribbon. The cost of the bouquet includes a greeting card with your message to the recipient. Same day flower delivery in Pattaya is possible, when placing an order and paying for it until 2 pm.
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