Caring Gesture bouquet (2 days) • Flower Delivery Pattaya

Caring Gesture bouquet (2 days)


Caring Gesture bouquet from Flowers-Pattaya. This beautiful bouquet of natural fresh flowers and banknotes is a stunning gift for your Thai girlfriend or beloved wife on her birthday or as a sweet gesture of caring. The bouquet contains orange roses and gerberas, white roses and pink carnations, as well as 10 banknotes of 500 THB in individual transparent bags in the amount of 5,000 Thai baht (from 135 to 150 USD depending on the current exchange rate). We will deliver this flower and money bouquet to any address in Pattaya at no extra cost and will add your personal message to the bouquet on the flower shop’s branded card. This bouquet is NOT for same day delivery: please order in advance so we can receive new banknotes.


Introducing a radiant expression of affection, the Caring Gesture bouquet from our flower shop in Pattaya captures the essence of thoughtfulness and love. This exquisite arrangement combines the vibrancy of fresh flowers with the practical charm of a cash gift, making it an ideal present for your Thai girlfriend or beloved wife. Each flower in this bouquet is carefully selected for its beauty and symbolism. The orange roses convey enthusiasm and passion, while the white roses symbolize purity and new beginnings. Gerberas represent cheerfulness, and the pink carnations stand for admiration and gratitude.

In Thai culture, gifting cash is a cherished tradition that signifies support and genuine care. The 10 banknotes of 500 THB, amounting to 5,000 Thai baht, are elegantly arranged in a fan shape above the flowers, adding a unique and luxurious touch to the bouquet. This thoughtful gesture not only brings joy but also demonstrates your true love and unwavering support.

Our commitment to quality ensures that each flower in the Caring Gesture bouquet is fresh and vibrant, creating a lasting impression. Although this bouquet is not available for same-day delivery, planning ahead allows us to prepare new, pristine banknotes for your special occasion. We offer free Pattaya flower delivery, ensuring your gift arrives on time and in perfect condition. To add a personal touch, we will include your heartfelt message on our branded card.

Choose the Caring Gesture bouquet to celebrate your relationship with a gift that speaks volumes about your affection and thoughtfulness. Experience the joy of giving with our flower shop in Pattaya, where each bouquet is crafted with love and attention to detail.


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