Happy Together bouquet (Roses + Carnations) • Flower Delivery Pattaya

Happy Together bouquet

Original price was: ฿3,850.Current price is: ฿3,680.

Happy Together bouquet of 21 white roses and eustoma \ carnations from Flowers-Pattaya is an excellent birthday present for your girlfriend or friend. It means faith, that you are lucky to be together, and loyalty to your soul mate. We will decorate a beautiful bouquet of white roses framed with small pink carnations or eustoma with a seasonal green filler. The bouquet will be placed in a special craft paper and tied with a ribbon of matching color.

🌸 Free flower delivery in Pattaya
🌸 Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Lowest price in Pattaya


If a young man wants to show the girl the sincerity and depth of his feelings, he can present her with a bouquet of white roses. Delicate flowers symbolize loyalty and purity, admiration for the person. You can give a bouquet of 21 roses to your sister, friend, if they are not yet 25 years old. White flowers are a symbol of youth, freshness, purity. Pink carnations or eustoma will enhance the meaning of affection for the chosen one or relative and will beautifully set off white roses. You can give a Happy Together bouquet to a young work colleague, if you like and admire her as a person.

To create a Happy Together bouquet, Flowers-Pattaya florists use premium roses with large buds. For the beauty and splendor of the bouquet, we add to it either eustoma, or small pink carnations and seasonal green filler. At your request, a free greeting card with your text to the recipient will be added to the bouquet. We will wrap fresh flowers in beautiful wrapper and tie them with a ribbon of bright or delicate color. If you order and pay for a bouquet before 2 pm, flower delivery in Pattaya is possible on the same day.


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