Hot Desire bouquet
A large bouquet of 18 orange roses from Flowers-Pattaya is a nice gift for your beloved girlfriend or wife. Orange roses are a symbol of passion and desire. . To create this bouquet, imported orange roses with large buds and a long stem will be used. The price of the bouquet includes 18 fresh premium roses, seasonal green filler and a gift wrapper with a bright ribbon. We will add a free greeting card to this bouquet with your message for the recipient. The cost of the bouquet also includes delivery to any area of Pattaya, so you don’t have to worry about additional costs.
🌸 Free flower delivery in Pattaya
🌸 Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Lowest price in Pattaya
Available on backorder
Traditionally, men give orange roses not at the beginning of a relationship, but when the relationship is already very strong and time-tested. While red roses say, in the language of flowers, “I love you,” orange roses say, “I love you and want you.” However, orange roses are actually beautiful and popular flowers, so you can order them for almost any occasion: birthday, dating or wedding anniversary, etc. And you can convey the meaning of your gift with the help of a greeting card, on which we will place your message for the recipient for free.
A large bouquet of premium orange roses is very lush and voluminous, so it does not require a lot of additional green filler. Our florist will add some white hyspophila or a few sprigs of statice to the roses. Orange roses look good in any color wrap, but most often our customers order roses in red, white or green wrapper. If you have personal wishes in this regard – please leave a note during the ordering process. Flowers delivery in Pattaya on the same day is possible if you pay for the order before 2 pm.
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