Red, peach and yellow roses are available for order on January 3-4. Please write to us to order! Pink Angels bouquet (9 Pink Roses) • Flower Delivery Pattaya

Pink Angels bouquet


Delicate bouquet of 9 Pink Roses from Flowers-Pattaya. Pink roses are a famous symbol of freshness, novelty, and discovery. Ideal for starting a relationship and expressing love, admiration. The bouquet uses premium roses with large buds and long stems. The bouquet is decorated with craft paper and bright ribbon.

🌸 Free flower delivery in Pattaya
🌸 Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Lowest price in Pattaya


A bouquet of 9 premium pink roses is the best choice for young people, who have recently started dating girls, but have already felt sympathy and tenderness for them. This gift will hint to the girl about the birth of wonderful feelings, which will intensify every day. And now she is for you a real angel, about whom you think endlessly, and with whom you love to spend time. Our florists are aware of your wishes. They will pack delicate flowers with large buds in beautiful craft paper and decorate them with a bright ribbon. At your request, a greeting card with your message to the recipient will be added to the bouquet of fresh pink roses free of charge. Traditionally, for the splendor of the bouquet of 9 premium pink roses, our professional florist adds seasonal green filler. Same day flower delivery in Pattaya is possible when placing an order and paying for it until 2 pm.


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