Pink Moment bouquet (7 Pink Roses) • Flower Delivery Pattaya

Pink Moment bouquet

Original price was: ฿2,360.Current price is: ฿2,260.

Bouquet of 7 pink roses from Flowers Pattaya is a wonderful gift for a young girl. The delicate color of roses is a symbol of admiration, freshness, sympathy. You can present such a bouquet to your beloved girlfriend, sister or niece. We will collect for you a bouquet of premium roses with large buds, add seasonal green filler. The flowers will be wrapped in craft paper and tied with a beautiful ribbon.

🌸 Free flower delivery in Pattaya
🌸 Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Lowest price in Pattaya

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7 pink roses is the best bouquet for a girl, you are dating not so long ago. If sympathy and love have arisen in your heart, give your girl a Pink Moment bouquet. She will understand, what you like her, because pink speaks of warm feelings and admiration. There can be any reason for a gift: a girl’s birthday, a month of meeting her, or just a pleasant sign of attention. If your sister, girlfriend or niece is not 25 years old, you can give girls a pink bouquet for their birthday. Pink flowers are a symbol of youth and tenderness. If your girlfriend is 25-30 years old, but she loves pink roses very much, present her with the Pink Moment bouquet.

In our shop, bouquets are made from premium fresh roses with large buds. We add seasonal green filler (round eucalyptus leaves, gypsophila, etc.) to the flowers to make them look more luxuriant. At your request, florists will add a greeting card with wishes to the recipient for free. The pink roses will be beautifully wrapped in gift wrapping and tied with a bright ribbon. Same day flower delivery in Pattaya is possible, when placing an order and paying for it until 2 pm.


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