White in Blue bouquet (7 White Roses) • Flower Delivery Pattaya

White in Blue bouquet

Original price was: ฿2,480.Current price is: ฿2,390.

Bright bouquet White in Blue from Flowers-Pattaya. Universal bouquet for men and girls of any age and for any occasion. The bouquet uses imported white roses with large buds and a natural floral scent, as well as white gypsophila. The bouquet is decorated with a blue gift wrapper with a bright ribbon. Free same day flower delivery in Pattaya when ordered in the morning.

🌸 Free flower delivery in Pattaya
🌸 Same day delivery if paid before 2pm
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Professional florist


This inexpensive bouquet consists of 7 fresh premium white roses. At the same time, this bouquet is very bright and contrasting. Our florist will add white gypsophila to imported white roses, which will make the bouquet more voluminous. White flowers are a symbol of gratitude, fidelity, tenderness and sincerity. you can give such a bouquet for any occasion for any person. The gift blue wrapper will be decorated with a bright ribbon with a bow. We offer same day delivery of this bouquet if you place and pay for the order before noon (Thai time). The price of a bouquet White in Blue includes delivery to any area of ​​Pattaya and a greeting card with your message for the recipient. For regular customers there is a system of discounts after the first delivered order.


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