Yellow Dream bouquet (Mixed Flowers) • Flower Delivery Pattaya

Yellow Dream bouquet

Original price was: ฿2,540.Current price is: ฿2,380.

Yellow Dream bouquet from Flowers-Pattaya. This inexpensive bouquet is a good choice for many occasions. Therefore, you can order it to wish success, wealth and health for a person of any gender and age. The bouquet is based on large yellow roses, white lilies and white eustoma, which go well together. A yellow and white gift box completes this bouquet and is included in the price.

🌸 Free flower delivery in Pattaya
🌸 Same day delivery if paid before noon
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Low price and loyalty program


You can order a Yellow Dream bouquet for friends and colleagues, for a teacher and a relative, for a man or a woman. The combination of yellow and white is a combination of sincerity and friendship, wealth and good luck. The colors of the Yellow Dream bouquet allow you to choose it as a gift for a sick person with a wish for a speedy recovery. The florists of our flower shop in Pattaya use imported yellow roses, large white lilies and fresh eustoma flowers for this bouquet. For contrast, a certain amount of seasonal green filler can be added to the bouquet. The price of the bouquet includes a greeting card with your message and a gift wrap with a ribbon. We also guarantee free flower delivery to any area of Pattaya.


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