Purest Love bouquet (Lilies and Hydrangea) • Flowers-Pattaya

Purest Love bouquet

Original price was: ฿4,330.Current price is: ฿4,090.

Purest Love bouquet from Flowers-Pattaya. This large and bright bouquet will be an excellent choice as a bouquet for a birthday, anniversary, wedding or Mother’s Day. The bouquet is based on fresh white lilies and blue hydrangea. The bouquet is decorated with a light-colored gift wrapper and a ribbon with a bow. The price of Purest Love bouquet includes delivery in Pattaya and a greeting card with your message.

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🌸 Same day delivery if paid before 2 pm
🌸 Free greeting card with your message
🌸 Lowest price in Pattaya
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When we talk about true pure love, beautiful light-colored images always appear in our heads. In floristry, it is white lilies and blue hydrangeas that are most often associated with purity, fidelity, sincerity and deep love. The advantage of this bouquet is its versatility. Purest Love bouquet will be a good choice to show your tender feelings to your girlfriend or wife. And if you want to deliver flowers in Pattaya for your sister, mother or best friend – you can also choose Purest Love bouquet. Additional pomp to the bouquet will give a small amount of seasonal green filler and white gypsophila. It is possible to deliver a bouquet in Pattaya on the same day if you pay for the order before noon.


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