Red, peach and yellow roses are available for order on January 3-4. Please write to us to order! Sunny Day bouquet (6 Sunflowers) • Flower Delivery Pattaya

Sunny Day bouquet


Bouquet of 6 sunflowers Sunny day from Flowers-Pattaya. Sunflowers are the brightest and most positive flowers. They symbolize good luck, optimism, prosperity. A bouquet of sunflowers can be presented to people of different ages and genders. In all cases, recipients will be happy and delighted with beautiful mini-suns. Our florists will decorate a bouquet of 6 sunflowers with seasonal green filler for splendor. They will wrap the bright bouquet in craft paper and tie it up with colored ribbon or decorative rope. We get the freshest sunflowers that bloom in 2-3 days. Therefore, we recommend ordering this bouquet in advance so that the flowers are as beautiful and bright as possible on the day of delivery.

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Yellow sunflowers are a symbol of success, prosperity, love of life and joy. Give a bouquet of 6 yellow sunflowers to your elderly relatives – grandmother, aunt, mother, father. Such a bright gift will surely please them, cheer them up. Sunflowers symbolize platonic love, sympathy, so a bouquet of these flowers is given to a friend, girlfriend or small girl for her birthday. The birthday girl with joyful interest will look at the unusual flowers, similar to the sun, with petals-rays. A bouquet of sunflowers is also presented with wishes of good luck to colleagues at work.

Our florists use fresh, large flowers to assemble a Sunny Day bouquet of 6 yellow sunflowers. The sunflowers open up in a vase and the bouquet grows even larger. Sunflowers can range in color from yellow to bright orange, depending on the season. Florists add seasonal green filler to the bouquet for beauty. Lush, bright flowers they will pack for you in a festive wrapper, decorate in a colored ribbon or decorative rope. The cost of a bouquet of 6 sunflowers includes a greeting card with your message to the recipient. Same day flower delivery in Pattaya for most bouquets is possible, when placing an order and paying for it until 2 pm.


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